Sunday, April 19, 2009

The House That Stick Built

Yankee Stadium was always known as The House That Ruth Built.  Babe Ruth arrived in New York in 1920 and by 1922, Yankee Stadium was under construction.  It opened in time for the 1923 season and Babe christened the new stadium with a home run in the first game.  

I think that the New Yankee Stadium should be known as The House That Stick Built.  

Gene Michael, whose nickname is Stick, deserves the credit for the Yankee Dynasty of the late '90's.  He was the general manager from 1990 - 1995.  During that time, he layed the ground work for the great Yankee teams that were to come.  

Now, you might be saying, "Sure...he built the team, but he didn't build the new stadium."  You might be right.  However, consider the following:
- In 1996, the Yankees attendance was 2,250,877.  In 2008, the attendance was 4,298,655.  In the years in between, the team set attendance records ten times.
- In 2002, the Yankees launched the YES Network.  They reported $60m in revenue from the network last year, but that doesn't include their ownership stake in the network.
- George Steinbrenner was suspended from baseball from 1990 - 1993 while Stick was busy assembling the core of the team.
- He was responsible for bringing Derek Jeter, Andy Pettitte, Jorge Posada, Mariano Rivera, and Paul O'Neill among others to the Bronx.  In addition, he was patient with the young players including Bernie Williams allowing them to mature rather than trade them for established players.
- He signed Jimmy Key as a free agent.  While Jimmy Key was only on one of the championship team, his signing was vital to the team's success.  In the early 90's, the Yankees were not a favored destination for free agents.  In fact, that same winter, Greg Maddux turned down more money from the Yankees to sign with the Braves.  Key's signing helped turn around the perception among players in the game.

Many people are calling The New Stadium The House That George Steinbrenner Built.  Without Gene Michael's work, the Yankees would not have won the four championships between 1996 and 2000.  Without those championships, the Yankees brand would not have the cache that it has today.  They likely would not have the YES Network and they certainly would not be the largest road draw in baseball.

Other people are calling The New Stadium The House That Derek Jeter Built.  Without Mariano Rivera (among others), Jeter would not have four rings.  As great as Derek is, he is not Babe Ruth.  He didn't change the way the game is played.  He doesn't dominate the game.  He is our captain and he is great, but Derek didn't build the stadium.

I know the Mets also moved in to a new stadium this year. I also know that they didn't win four championships.  I know they also have a network.  I think that the Yankees success helps the Mets.  The Yankees popularity helps raise the awareness of baseball in the city.  Is it a coincidence that the Mets attendance figures trail the Yankees? Is it a coincidence that the Mets launched their network four years after the Yankees?  If the Yankees hadn't built a new stadium, the Mets wouldn't have been able to either.

So, you could actually say that Gene Michael was responsible for building both stadiums in New York.  You could say he was responsible for launching two television networks.  I do say that he is more responsible than anyone else for the four champioships.  More responsible than Joe Torre, who couldn't have done it without the players.  More responsible than George Steinbrenner who would have ripped up the team had he been involved.  More responsible than Jeter, Mariano, or anyone else who couldn't have done it without their teammates.

Enjoy The House That Stick Built.  I'm sticking with my theory until someone convinces me otherwise.

"It ain't no sin to be glad you're alive" - BS