Sunday, August 31, 2008

Old kids

It's great to catch up with old friends. It's even better when they have new children that they bring along. Today, I was lucky enough to have a house full of friends and kids and it was great.

Ken and Carrie along with their five month old son Owen were on their way to a bbq in Northern NJ and stopped by on their way. Soon after they arrived, the Ira and Aly walked over from next door and Abby and Noah. Not too long after, Andy and Lisa arrived with Will and their baby girl, Ellie. All the while, my nephews Nicholas and Anthony were helping with the food and with Avery as they stayed over last night. At one point, it was eight adults and eight kids in the house.

We hung out, ate, played outside, played inside, and just caught up. It was abundantly obvious that my friends are enjoying being parents as much as I am. At the end of the day, I thought about just how long I have been friends with Ken, Andy and Ira. Ken and I met in 1992 as we lived in the same dorms and had some classes together. He had a Bruce concert shirt that he wore, so we hit off immediately. Andy and I met in 1993, his freshman year, my sophomore year as Joe Lewin told me that Andy had some Bruce bootlegs that he might let me borrow so I could copy them. Ira and I went to Israel together in the winter of my junior year 1994/1995, which was his senior year. I don't normally quote the Grateful Dead, but..."What a long strange trip it's been."

To still be friends with people 14, 15, 16 years's very special. That we are all in the same place in our lives right now, married with small children, certainly makes it easy to relate to what each other is going through.

Later in the day, my sister Sari and brother-in-law Jeff came over for dinner. As I mentioned in my last blog entry, Sari is pregnant. She and Christine spend time talking about pregnancy and parenting. I am really excited in a lot of ways, but I am very much looking forward to Sari and Jeff joining the parenthood club.

Five years ago tonight I was at Giants Stadium for the 10th Bruce show at Giants Stadium. I attended all 10, and many more that summer. I went with Ira. After the show, Ira went home to his wife and daughter. I went straight down the was the last night ever at The Tradewinds. I started drinking immediately as I was crashing locally. I was on stage with Brian Kirk and the Jirks as the last song ended and spent the rest of the night drinking on the beach. While I am still attending Bruce shows, I couldn't be further from that place in my life right now. I wouldn't change it for anything...and if I had to bet, neither would Ken, Andy, or Ira.

"It ain't no sin to be glad you're alive..."


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