On November 3rd, my wife delivered our son, Lukas (Luke) Nolan Neuer.
To our family with their never support, love, food, and shopping addictions, we can’t thank you enough.
To our rabbi, Mark Kaiserman, this is the fourth major event that you have officiated for our family and we hope there are many many more.
To everyone that came today to celebrate the bris of our son, Luke, it really means a lot to us that you took time out of your work day to joins us. Tuesday mornings are tough and we truly appreciate it.
If there was ever a day to make promises, this is probably the day. So…to Luke…we promise to be the best parents we can possibly be. We promise to learn from our parents and all of the wonderful things they did for us. I promise to teach you how to win with class, lose with grace, and always get back up when you fall down. I promise to teach you how to score great tickets, and to keep score at a baseball game. I promise to let your mother and your two grandfathers not named Neuer teach you how to fix things, use power tools, and generally fix things…although, I did do a bang up job on the mailbox. We will teach you to be polite, courteous, gracious, generous and charitable. We will try to guide you the best we can and we hope all of your dreams come true.
A quick story…
So…the names. Your first name, Luke is not for Luke Skywalker, contrary to popular opinion. Your sister has Aunt Lori’s Hebrew name….well, the L at the beginning of your name is for her also. Another story…in 1987, my grandparents took me and the family to
Your middle name, again, contrary to popular belief is not for Nolan Ryan. While it may be a happy coincidence, if I was going to pick a name for a pitcher, your middle name would be Mariano. The N is to honor your Grandy’s (that’s my stepfather David for those who don’t know who Grandy is) Cousin Norman. He was a brilliant man who was so generous with his time, and open to our family, and really an amazingly cultured and kind man. He was a very important figure in Grandy’s life and I have such nice memories of
Your Hebrew name…there are no misconceptions about this one…is Gershon for your mother’s Uncle George. Now many of you may be saying…Christine has a Jewish uncle? This is a joke right? Not a joke. Uncle George was your Papa’s best friend for more years than either of them would admit. He passed away earlier this year and while I only met him once, he embodied the word friendship, something I hope people say about you someday.
And let others do for you
May you build a ladder to the stars
And climb on every rung
May you stay forever young
May you grow up to be righteous
May you grow up to be true
May you always know the truth
And see the lights surrounding you
May you always be courageous
Stand upright and be strong
May you stay forever young
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