Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Amazing Happenings

Some might think that with the end of the Bruce tour and the apparent demise of the Yankees season that I might have the end of summer blues. NOT SO! There are some amazing happenings to report, so I am happy to share...

MY SISTER SARI IS PREGNANT! My brother-in-law Jeff and sister Sari are expecting their first child which is due April 11, 2009. I can't welcome them in to the best club I have ever been lucky enough to be a member of. Parenthood. They are both truly two of my favorite people and I couldn't be happier for them and my entire family.

While everything after that is completely secondary, there is one other piece of good news. The basement project is finally done in my house. We started the project a few months ago, and I could not be happier with the outcome. All of the credit goes to my wife Christine as she picked everything except the TV. The general contractor was Steve Garguilo of Garguilo Builders and he did an amazing job. This week, The Media Room of Montville installed the TV, surround sound, etc. They also did a tremendous job in designing the set up, recommending the TV, and executing the plan. Christine is calling it The Man Cave, so if I am missing, you can look for me there.

And if that wasn't enough, Avery is getting cuter and cuter every day. She's crawling now so she is all over the place, but loves to smile and clap her hands. She's just amazing!

"It ain't no sin to be glad you're alive!"


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