Saturday, September 6, 2008

What's better than a great tailgate?

There are a few things better than a great tailgate.  However, when you are in the moment of the tailgate, the sun is shining, your friends are all around, the beer is cold, the music is on, and the food is great, there isn't any place you would rather be.  Thursday night, the Giants opened their season after winning last year's Super Bowl with a prime time game against the Redskins.

The tailgate started a little later than we wanted it to.  Our intention was to get there around 11:30, but we found out around 11 that they would be enforcing the new rule that opened the parking lot five hours before game time.  Some of the guys camped out at Scott's, but Jared and I stayed local so we could make sure we were at the gate when it opened.  We drove back to the Meadowlands after getting some lunch around 1:30.  There were many people already lined up when we got there, but got a strategic spot on the shoulder and when they opened the gates, we were able to get our spot in lot 18C.

There is something special about the first game of the season, and it was more special in light of the Super Bowl win.  There are some people at the tailgate that I only see in the parking lot at Giants games, so many I haven't seen since December.  Guys like Al, Young Craig, Frank, Richard, and Andrew to name a few.  It's great to catch up and while every group has some guys that no one likes, it's a really great group. Then of course, there is the core of the group that I do see in the off season and great to see them as well.  Seeing Scott, Keith, Hank, Fresh, Strauss, Strauss (unrelated), and of course's the best.  If I missed anyone, I apologize in advance.

The tailgate menu has had very few changes and that's because it works.  Clams with hot sauce, wings, steak, and sausage and peppers.  Lots of beer, and many of the boys are partial to Guiness these days.  If that sounds good to you, please stop by before any Giants game.

So after a great tailgate with most of the day being over 90 degrees, I changed my shirt and went in to the game.  Strahan popped out of a 20 foot Super Bowl trophy with the real thing and hyped up the crowd.  The Giants played great in the first half, but settled for field goals and gave up a late TD so they led 16-7, which ended up being the final.  A very workman like victory over a team that they should have beat.  A good start to the season, but more important...another great day with friends in the parking lot.

"It ain't no sin to be glad you're alive..."


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