Saturday, January 1, 2011

Random Thoughts on New Year's Day

Wishing everyone a Happy and Healthy 2011. Here are some random thoughts to ring in the new year:

- The pace of technology continues to amaze me. It seems that the folks at Apple and Google are some of the brightest, but whoever invented Angry Birds might be the smartest of them all.

- The iPad was definitely my favorite gadget of 2010, but it does so many things, that calling it a gadget is severely selling it short.

- 2010 included the birth of my niece Addison, Sammy and Jen's wedding, my son's first steps, my daughter's ever expanding vocabulary, two fantasy baseball titles, and a new pool in the backyard among other amazing things. It was a great year all around. I have a feeling 2011 will be even better.

- The Giants are wildly disappointing and while they can still sneak in to the playoffs, they don't deserve it based on the last few weeks. The last time I was this convinced that they had to fire Tom Coughlin was three years ago. Yes, they won the Super Bowl that year.

- I have a ton of respect for Cliff Lee taking less money to play in Philadelphia. Granted $120m is nothing to laugh at, but he still left millions of dollars on the table and I think it's awesome.

- The Red Sox got a lot better this off season. A lot.

- How good is Blake Griffin? Is anyone else watching this guy? He looks like he is playing on an 8' rim against kids five years younger than him on the school playground.

- Any news on global warming? Seems pretty cold to me.

- We saw Black Swan with Natalie Portman tonight. Great movie, but my favorite Natalie Portman movie (other than the Star Wars prequels) is Beautiful Girls. If you haven't seen it, rent it immediately. That said, if she doesn't in an Oscar for this role, it's a crime.

- Bruce playing The Old Carousel House in Asbury Park as a promo for the new material on The Promise (Darkness outtakes) was VERY cool. The fact that I didn't get in is VERY uncool.

- The box set for the Darkness On The Edge of Town reissue might be the best thing that Bruce and company have ever put out. The DVD's are amazing and the packaging is wildly impressive. With excepts from his writing notebooks and video footage from rehearsals and the studio, this set really takes you inside the inner workings of how the record was made. Great stuff.

- I almost switched companies this year. During the process, I learned some things about myself. Luckily, they were all positive.

That's all for tonight. I will try to blog a little more often in the coming year. I don't really believe it resolutions, but let's just say I am going to try.

"It ain't no sin to be glad you're alive."


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