Friday, February 29, 2008

It Ain't No Sin To Be Glad You're Alive

Last night, I made the Hartford for the opener of this leg of the tour. Similar to the first leg of the tour, Bruce chose to open close to home, but not exactly a home game.

After a pretty crazy work week which included a trip to Cincinnati on Wednesday, I wasn't 100% sure if I was going to make the show. However, my amazing wife showed up at my office at 11 a.m. Thursday morning with a change of clothes and encouraged me to hit the show. For me, there is something amazingly therapeutic about a great concert, especially a Bruce show. Being able to jump up and down, scream every word, pump my fist and lose myself in the music allows me to eliminate any stress in my life. My partner, Joe, told me he was looking forward to me going to the show because he knew I would show up in a good mood on matter how little sleep I got.

As for the show itself, no one in the Hartford Civic Center had a better time than me. We were in the pit, dead center, about 12 people deep. The pit is truly the place to watch this show. There aren't a lot of opportunities to sit. It's a hot show, from the first note. Speaking of the first note, for the first time, Bruce opened with So Young And In Love off of Tracks. Radio Nowhere had been the typical opener during the first leg of the tour and as great an opener as it is, So Young just kicks the night off with a big boost of energy. Also making tour premieres were and Loose Ends and Janey Don't You Lose Heart. Backstreets was an audible in the encore and it was amazing. The encore is usually a trouble spot, but last night, it was great with Kitty's Back following Backstreets...and Born To Run after that.

For the full set list, please visit

A few specific lines jumped out at me during the show, partially because I have been so crazy at work. A lot of Bruce's music is out redemption and last night, I needed it. I can't wait until March 10 for the show at Nassau Coliseum. Hope to see you there.

Special thanks to my partner in crime Sammy...and The Man, Rich Russo, who helped us in to the pit.

"Stay hard, stay hungry, stay alive...if you can."


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